Why Choose Pool Maintenance Technicians That Are CPO and AFO Certified

There are countless benefits to having a pool in your backyard. You get to host epic pool parties, give your kids an awesome place to play, and of course, relax and unwind after a tough day at the office. The only thing that’s not so great about owning a pool? Having to clean it. Luckily, an in floor pool cleaning system can make the process much easier. But what is a in floor pool cleaner, and why should you invest in one? That’s what this post is all about. In it, we’ll tell you why so many people have chosen to go with an automatic pool cleaning system, and where you can find one for your pool.
Make this the summer you let your automatic pool cleaning system do the hard work for you.
1. They Provide Greater Circulation

The truth is that most standard pool maintenance often doesn’t really end up doing enough to keep your pool as clean as you might think it is. This is because it can be tough to get an even water distribution throughout your entire pool, as many traditional cleaners don’t effectively circulate the water.

Plus, the water that’s being circulated throughout the pool will be much cleaner than with a snake or hose system. Essentially, the system contains heads that move the junk in your pool toward the deep end. Then, that debris is filtered out through a drain, which then sends the junk into a basket or a pool filter. The basket is incredibly easy to clean. It’s easier to understand if you think of your cleaner as the head of a standard lawn sprinkler. It pops up, does a sweep of the pool, and evenly distributes clean water everywhere.

You can even have the heads of your in-floor cleaner painted to go along with your pool’s colors. For the best results, consider hiring a professional pool cleaning company to install and maintain your system. They have the expertise to ensure your pool cleaning service is efficient and effective year-round.

2. It Cuts out the Clutter of Hoses
First of all, having an in floor pool cleaner eliminates the need for those messy and cluttered hoses that can, if we’re being honest, make your pool look less than its best. Plus, we know that you get tired of having to remove those hoses and cleaners every time that you want to have company over.
You want your pool to look beautiful. What’s more, dealing with the leader hose can quickly become a real nightmare. How many times have you had to untangle it from a ladder or even a toy in your pool? What about when those hoses get stuck around the outside of the pool, caught on a rock, or just tangled up on their own?
When you invest in an in floor cleaner for your pool, there is no need for any type of intense equipment. All you need to do is turn on the cleaner and walk away.
3. They Can Handle Shallow and Deep Pools
When you’re working with automatic cleaners or more outdated pool cleaning technology, it’s easy to get frustrated with all of the cleaning work that you have to do by hand. This is especially true when it comes to the shallow areas of your pool, as well as on the “deep end.” Let’s face it: all of that bending down and leaning over can cause you serious back pain. It can also cause you to question whether or not owning a pool is truly worth it. Before you take on the expense of hiring a weekly pool maintenance worker to do the tough stuff for you? Invest in an in floor pool cleaning system instead. It can reach all the areas of your pool, from the corners to the floor. When you choose an in floor pool cleaning system, you’ll get an even clean across your entire pool — no hand scrubbing required. Plus, this will also likely eliminate the need for you to use a pool skimmer.
4. They’ll Save You Money
In addition to giving you a seriously deep clean, an in floor pool cleaning system also helps to cut down on the costs of owning a pool. First of all, because the system of circulation is able to distribute the water evenly, if you choose to heat your pool, it will help you to limit your overall heating costs. Additionally, because it provides such an effective clean, you won’t have to spend nearly as much on the cost of chemicals and cleaning agents as you did in the past. Plus, you’ll also see lowered energy bills as a result of the system’s efficiency and abilities. That gives you more money to spend on pool floats, upgrades, and even landscaping the area around your pool.
Your in Floor Pool Cleaning System: What’s Next?
We hope that this post has helped you to see why so many pool owners have opted to install an in floor pool cleaning system. Of course, getting a in floor pool cleaner is far from the only kind of maintenance that you need to do in order to protect your investment. We’ll help you.
Whether you need to check that your lights and pumps are working properly, or if you need leak detection and repair, we have the expertise to make it happen. Our technicians are also CPO and AFO Certified, so you know that you’re working with only the most qualified professionals. We’re also familiar with a wide variety of brands and equipment. So, no matter what your pool looks like or the tools you use, we know how to operate them.
Get in touch with us today to schedule a service or maintenance appointment.